Leveraging Individual Uniqueness to boost sales and ensure customer retention

Bloomo is a B2C platform based on several AI techniques, intended to assist individuals in developing and maintaining their own Unique Style Identity.
Style is much more than outfit. It is a meta language we use to communicate our individual uniqueness to other people. Style is made of emotions, locations, total experiences, readings, food, wine, music, clothes, accesories and so on.
Bloomob2b is the b2b plugin of the platform designed to push market segmentation techniques to their atomic limits: individuals. That will permit your e-commerce platform to ensure your client a superior bespoke customer experience.
How it works
The style conversational agent of Bloomo will provide each member of the community a BSI (Bloomo Style Identity). The BSI continuously evolves through direct and transparent interaction with the agent and classical (authorised) monitoring techniques.
When the customer login your e-commerce platform with his/her BSI the AI Platform will match the BSI with your catalogue.
As a consequence you will be in a position to offer products and services perfectly matching the BSI of the individual customer or even functional to contribute to evolve it in a direction consistent with recent implicit trends.

The user is profiled based on taste, style and behaviour.
The style identity matches with the catalogue products.

The e-commerce proposal is focused on the style classification processed by AI.
That is what customers are looking for
Recent surveys (source: State of the connected customer - Salesforce) shows that:
Most companies don't use my personal information to provide me with targeted experiences
Most companies are unclear about how they use my personal information
I feel like I have lost control over how my personal information is used
of consumers would like more transparency about how their personal information is used